start_kernel after mm_init

sched_init(); 先大概过一遍 Linux Kernel Development 的第4章 Process Scheduling. 关键点记录一下:

Scheduler Classes
The Linux scheduler is modular, enabling different algorithms to schedule different types of processes.
This modularity is called scheduler classes. Scheduler classes enable different, pluggable algorithms to coexist, scheduling their own types of processes.
Each scheduler class has a priority.
The base scheduler code, which is defined in kernel/sched.c, iterates over each scheduler class in order of priority.
The highest priority scheduler class that has a runnable process wins, selecting who runs next.
The Completely Fair Scheduler (CFS) is the registered scheduler class for normal processes, called SCHED_NORMAL in Linux (and SCHED_OTHER in POSIX).
Time Accounting
CFS uses the struct sched_entity to keep track of process accounting.
The scheduler entity structure is embedded in the process descriptor, struct task_struct, as a member variable named se.
CFS uses a red-black tree to manage the list of runnable processes and efficiently find the process with the smallest vruntime.
Given this tree, the process that CFS wants to run next, which is the process with the smallest vruntime, is the leftmost node in the tree.
The Scheduler Entry Point
The main entry point into the process schedule is the function schedule(), defined in kernel/sched.c.
This is the function that the rest of the kernel uses to invoke the process scheduler, deciding which process to run and then running it.
schedule() is generic with respect to scheduler classes.That is, it finds the highest priority scheduler class with a runnable process and asks it what to run next.

 // Default task group. Every task in system belong to this group at bootup.
struct task_group root_task_group {
    // ...
    /* schedulable entities of this group on each cpu */
    struct sched_entity **se;
    /* runqueue "owned" by this group on each cpu */
    struct cfs_rq **cfs_rq;

    struct sched_rt_entity **rt_se;
    struct rt_rq **rt_rq;
    // ...

// sched_init的一开始,先调用kzalloc分配一块内存,分别用作
struct sched_entity *se[nr_cpu_ids];
struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq[nr_cpu_ids];
struct sched_rt_entity *rt_se[nr_cpu_ids];
struct rt_rq *rq_rq[nr_cpu_ids];
// 对我们单核来说,其实就是4个指针,32个字节.

init_defrootdomain(); // 不知道干什么用的,就是初始化了 def_root_domain 变量,是关于cpu的.

init_rt_bandwidth(&def_rt_bandwidth, global_rt_period(), global_rt_runtime());
// global_rt_period() = sysctl_sched_rt_period * NSEC_PER_USEC = 1000000 * 1000 = 1 000 000 000 纳秒 = 1s;
// global_rt_runtime() = sysctl_sched_rt_runtime * NSEC_PER_USEC = 950000 * 1000 = 950 000 000 纳秒 = 950ms;
// ktime_t 其实就是 s64;
struct rt_bandwidth def_rt_bandwidth = {
	raw_spinlock_t  rt_runtime_lock;
	ktime_t         rt_period;          // = 1s
	u64             rt_runtime;         // = 950ms
	struct hrtimer  rt_period_timer;    // .function = sched_rt_period_timer
// 不太清楚这个 rt_bandwidth 是干什么用的, root_task_group 里也有一个 rt_bandwidth, 一样做好初始化

// .config里定义了 CONFIG_CGROUP_SCHED=y, 接下来把 root_task_group 加到 task_groups 链表里, cgroup 还很不了解,跳过去

// This is the main, per-CPU runqueue data structure.
struct rq {
    unsigned long nr_running;
    unsigned long cpu_load[CPU_LOAD_IDX_MAX];
    unsigned long last_load_update_tick;
    struct cfs_rq cfs;
    struct rt_rq rt;
    struct task_struct *curr, *idle, *stop;
    // 这是一个相当大的struct呀!!!
static DEFINE_PER_CPU_SHARED_ALIGNED(struct rq, runqueues); // 0x14040 runqueues

接下来一个for_each_possible_cpu, 把每个cpu对应的struct rq做了初始化.
// foreach的过程中用到了jiffies,这个变量到底怎么定义出来的让人搞不懂. 不过最终看System.map查到其地址,再通过bochs查看其值为 0xfffedb08
// 正好是 (unsigned long)(unsigned int)(-300 * HZ=CONFIG_HZ=250) = INITIAL_JIFFIES = jiffies_64 (defined in kernel/timer.c#0055)
struct rq里的东西都还不知道怎么个用处,不过 cfs_rq 和 rt_rq 是我们所关注的,它们在这个foreach里都初始化了,这两个结构里分别都包含了struct rq *rq, 又指回来了

    init_task->se.load.weight = prio_to_weight[p->static_prio - MAX_RT_PRIO];
                              = prio_to_weight[(140-20) - 100]
                              = prio_to_weight[20]
    init_task->se.load.inv_weight = prio_to_wmult[p->static_prio - MAX_RT_PRIO];
                                  = prio_to_wmult[20]
    // @see include/linux/sched.h#1548, 这段注释写的很清楚:
    // 一个进程的priority从0-139,rt priority从0-99,SCHED_NORMAL/SCHED_BATCH tasks的priority从100-139
    // priority值越低,优先级越高,所以rt的高于SCHED_NORMAL/SCHED_BATCH
    // prio_to_weight 就是一个整数数组, 里边共40个整数, 从0-39一个接一个递减25%. init_task的weight处在正当中

#define current get_current()
static __always_inline struct task_struct *get_current(void)
    return percpu_read_stable(current_task);
DECLARE_PER_CPU(struct task_struct *, current_task);

// arch/x86/kernel/cpu/common.c#1017, current_task = 0xcd00, 0x7c00000 + 0xcd00 = 0x7c0cd00 = 0x1a0b020 = &init_task
DEFINE_PER_CPU(struct task_struct *, current_task) ____cacheline_aligned = &init_task;
DEFINE_PER_CPU(unsigned long, kernel_stack) = (unsigned long)&init_thread_union - KERNEL_STACK_OFFSET + THREAD_SIZE;

// arch/x86/kernel/init_task.c#0023
union thread_union init_thread_union __init_task_data = { INIT_THREAD_INFO(init_task) };

union thread_union {
    struct thread_info thread_info;
    unsigned long stack[THREAD_SIZE/sizeof(long)];

THREAD_SIZE = 8K = 1 << 13
%rsp & 0xffffe000 = thread_info, 去掉低13位就得到thread_info的地址了
|           | <- stack
|           |
|           | <- %rsp
|           |
|           |
|___________| <- thread_info

init_idle(current, smp_processor_id());
    __sched_fork(idle); // Perform scheduler related setup for a newly forked process. 其实就是初始化task_struct里的sched_entity.
                        // se.vruntime = 0
    idle->state = TASK_RUNNING;
    idle->se.exec_start = sched_clock();
    rq->curr = rq->idle = idle; // 这一句很重要,前边的foreach我们初始化了每个cpu的runqueue,这里这个runqueue的curr,idle有值了,指向init_task
    // .config 里没有定义 CONFIG_PREEMPT
    task_thread_info(idle)->preempt_count = 0;
    idle->sched_class = &idle_sched_class;

current->sched_class = &fair_sched_class; // 上边init_idle里把sched_class设为idle,这里又改为fair

scheduler_running = 1;
总结一下, sched_init() 初始化了每个cpu的runqueue, 并且将init_task设为rq.curr,并设其状态为TASK_RUNNING.
sched_classes: stop_sched_class -> rt_sched_class -> fair_sched_class -> idle_sched_class -> end.

preempt_disable(); .config里没有定义 CONFIG_PREEMPT, 所以这个函数不产生实际指令.

if (!irqs_disabled()) {local_irq_disable();} 检查中断是否开启,如果开了,关掉
irqs_disabled() 其实就是把 rFlags 保存到内存里, 然后看 IF 标志位是否为1, 如果是, 中断开启着呢,没有disable
pop (memory)
return !(memory & X86_EFLAGS_IF);

local_irq_disable() 我们之前就有说过, 它其实就是 cli

idr_init_cache(); 不清楚idr是什么东西,这个函数做的事挺简单的,就是创建了一个 idr_layer 类型的slab.
Linux Kernel Development里有讲idr,说idr其实就是个map,只不过map的是id和指针.不过这里是idr_layer,显然是更复杂了.

perf_event_init(); 上边的idr和这个performance event好像有关系,先跳过去吧.


// @see Documentation/RCU/whatisRCU.txt
// @see What is RCU, Fundamentally?
// @see UnderStandingKernel Kernel Synchronization
// @see Linux Kernel Development Chapter 4 Process Scheduling Preemption and Context Switching
要理解RCU,先从 concurrent read write 说起容易一些. UnderStandingKernel 的第5章 Kernel Synchronization 讲的非常好.

我们在写多线程的程序时,遇到最初级的race condition就是: 
有一个全局变量counter = 0, 线程1 counter++, 线程2 counter++, 如果没有使用 pthread_mutex_lock, 那么最终的counter值可不一定是2.

mov (memory) %rax; inc %rax; mov %rax (memory); // OR
inc (memory)
cpu1要read-inc-write, cpu2也要read-inc-write, 是有一个硬件设备叫 memory arbiter(a hardware circuit that serializes accesses to the RAM chips), 它能把指令给串行化,
但这个memory arbiter可不会智能化到先把cpu1的执行完,再执行cpu2的. 
要做到这一点, 首先,不能使用mov-inc-mov这三条指令的写法,要用inc这种写法,然后在 inc 前边加上 lock prefix (0xf0),
这样,硬件设备会lock住memory bus,别的访问这个内存地址的指令就会block住,待这个指令执行完成后,才能访问.

AMD Volume3: Lock Prefix

The LOCK prefix causes certain kinds of memory read-modify-write instructions to occur atomically.
The mechanism for doing so is implementation-dependent (for example, the mechanism may involve
bus signaling or packet messaging between the processor and a memory controller). The prefix is
intended to give the processor exclusive use of shared memory in a multiprocessor system.

The LOCK prefix can only be used with forms of the following instructions that write a memory
INC, NEG, NOT, OR, SBB, SUB, XADD, XCHG, and XOR. An invalid-opcode exception occurs if
the LOCK prefix is used with any other instruction.

如果有多个cpu,此时即使是inc,结果也可能不是2. 随后写个程序验证下.


When using optimizing compilers, you should never take for granted that instruc-
tions will be performed in the exact order in which they appear in the source code.
For example, a compiler might reorder the assembly language instructions in such a
way to optimize how registers are used. Moreover, modern CPUs usually execute
several instructions in parallel and might reorder memory accesses. These kinds of
reordering can greatly speed up the program.

In Linux the barrier() macro, which expands into asm volatile("":::
"memory"), acts as an optimization barrier. The asm instruction tells the compiler to
insert an assembly language fragment (empty, in this case). The volatile keyword for-
bids the compiler to reshuffle the asm instruction with the other instructions of the pro-
gram. The memory keyword forces the compiler to assume that all memory locations in
RAM have been changed by the assembly language instruction; therefore, the compiler
cannot optimize the code by using the values of memory locations stored in CPU reg-
isters before the asm instruction. Notice that the optimization barrier does not ensure
that the executions of the assembly language instructions are not mixed by the CPU—
this is a job for a memory barrier.

A memory barrier primitive ensures that the operations placed before the primitive
are finished before starting the operations placed after the primitive. Thus, a mem-
ory barrier is like a firewall that cannot be passed by an assembly language instruc-

现在,我们可以说到 concurrent read write 了, 最简单的, 就是给公共资源加个lock, 不管是读还是写, 都先要取得lock, 然后才能操作.
进一步的,对read most的场景,可以用read/write lock,多个reader,一个writer,writer要想写,必须等所有reader都结束了才行.
In contrast with conventional locking primitives that ensure mutual exclusion among concurrent threads regardless of whether they be
readers or updaters, or with reader-writer locks that allow concurrent reads but not in the presence of updates, RCU supports
concurrency between a single updater and multiple readers.
怎么做到这一点呢?两种做法,一种是异步的,就是updater注册一个callack,在所有reader结束后调用这个callback. 一种是同步的,直接等所有reader结束,怎么等呢?
明白了这点,就知道 里边说 rcu_read_lock, rcu_read_unlock 在non-CONFIG_PREEMPT的kernel里不产生任何实际指令的意思了.
kernel代码里的rcu和书里以及Documentation里的描述已经相差很多了.不过概念还是一致的,在rcu_init里,我们能看到open_softirq(RCU_SOFTIRQ, rcu_process_callbacks); 这对应着上边updater注册一个callback,所有reader结束后调用这个callback. 具体怎么回事,当前了解到的知识还不足以弄清楚,后边再说吧.

radix_tree_init(); 初始化了一个 radix_tree_node 类型的slab, radix_tree没自己写过,先跳过去.